1. Give your children time. Tell me what you spend your time and I'll tell you what you love. Make a plan games, outings, meals, etc. and separate time in your agenda to dedicate yourself solely and exclusively to your children; they will never forget those moments.

2. Don't hide your affection. Many Latinos grew up in a culture where it was not customary for fathers to show affection or participate in raising children, but feeling affection, acceptance and security from a father helps children develop good self-esteem.

3. Create an atmosphere of love and respect. In addition to caring for your children and spending time with them, it is important that they see that you respect their mother, whether you and she are together or not. This will give children the security and stability they need to develop.

4. Take advantage of every opportunity. Turn meal times, housework, homework, car trips and any situation into another opportunity to share and teach your children values ​​such as: love of work, being grateful, honesty, service, teamwork, recycling, etc. make it fun!

5. Communicate in a positive way. Encourage your children to always give the best of themselves and highlight their skills and virtues. They need your appreciation and encouragement. Listen to your children; know their stories, their interests and their fears; let them know that they can trust you.

6. Read with your children. Show them the affection for perusing from an exceptionally youthful age. Reading is one of the best ways to ensure that they have a successful life. When they start school, help them with their homework; share with them the joy of constantly knowing and learning.

7. Discipline them with love and patience. Put clear rules, fair and reasonables. Recall that the objective is for youngsters to foster appropriate conduct and character. Don't let anger dominate you; If necessary, take time to think and discuss with your partner the best way of correction that will help the children understand the lesson and improve.

8. Teach them by example. Your actions speak louder than your words. Your kids will mimic your way of behaving regardless of whether you need it. You're consistent with what you say and do. Show yourself to them really as an individual with qualities and shortcomings and you will see that they will likewise figure out how to trust you and forever tell the truth.

9. Don't overprotect them. Let them live. Your kids actually should realize that your adoration for them is unqualified and that they can depend on you in any situation, however they additionally need to comprehend that their activities have results and that their choices, positive or negative, will check their predetermination.

10. Create memories, save them, and share them with them. The moments that you are living today with your children are the history of your family and they go by so quickly. Do not let them escape from you! Snap the picture, record the video, think of them a letter or card on those exceptional events. Sharing these memories will help you remind them where they came from and guide them where they are going in life.

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