5 tips for strong relationship


5 tips for strong relationship

If you want to be successful with your partner, follow these tips and make your relationship more stable.

Do you prefer a light relationship or something more stable? We don't know if for better or worse, many currently prefer a relationship without so much commitment. However, forming a stronger relationship is a good challenge that many should try.

But how can you achieve a strong relationship? Of course, from scratch? That won't tell you anything, but it's enough to have the desire and determination to begin to reap something more than kisses and words of love.

If you are one of those who dreams of finding the "love of your life", we better invite you to look for the "love of your days" and of course, be happy as you live them. Of course, there is something very true in that for a relationship to be stable, both parties need to be determined to forge something closer.

To start, think about whether you want a relationship based on empathy, solidarity or tolerance. Once you are clearer about what you really want, it will be easier for you to express your desires in a more real way.

Another point to keep in mind is that no one will be exactly as you imagined. It is important to stop idealizing people and start accepting others as they are. What does it mean? That you must welcome the multiple dimensions that each being has, whether you like them or not. We all have a story, a personality, dreams and fears and we have to work so that all these characteristics fit into the relationship. You are willing?

Below are 5 tips that will help you make your relationship more stable and better founded:

1. Wanting and knowing how to share: It's not just about spending time together, many men and women want to be with someone, but they are not willing to change habits, spaces or times. There are couples with greater freedoms than others, but building a relationship requires the willingness to share with the other.

2. Respect the other person: We are not just talking about loyalty or fidelity, respect is a fundamental requirement in any relationship. It is very important to leave negativity behind. If there is no respect, whatever the order of life, there is no good foundation.

3. Appreciate the good that the other person can offer: We all want to be recognized and well valued. Psychologist John Gottman calls "relationship masters" those people who have that mental habit by which they look for things to appreciate, to be able to say "thank you." At the other extreme are those who focus only on their partner's mistakes and defects.

4. Flow with the changes: Most couples are born from the passion that falling in love awakens. The ?butterflies in the stomach? They last a while and you have to have the emotional intelligence to transform those sensations into projects.

5. Be open to dialogue: A person receptive to exchanging points of view with maturity usually works well in their family, work, friendship and relationship environments. On the contrary, people with exacerbated susceptibility, always on the defensive and who believe they are the best in the world, usually create conflicts and intrigues.

Another important and fundamental point is sex. As time passes, sexual relationships can gain quality, this is because we know more about the person with whom we share the relationship, their tastes, their intensity, desires and fantasies. It is also important to adapt to the tastes of both. They say that sex is the key to any happy relationship? Be?

So you know, it is important that in a relationship with intentions of something more stable or formal, both feel full, desired and accepted both in the complexity of the body and the soul.

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